About SparkNM

The spark for SparkNM came in the summer of 2019, with new friends sharing their dreams over coffee. As they talked, they were surprised to learn how similar those dreams were: to create a space where artists could learn and grow their art, and their art business; to create a space where the community could come together and celebrate the power of art to inspire transformation; to create a space where people could come to fall in love with art; to create a space where anyone who entered found a place of joy and delight, and even healing. So they started taking steps, and “small steps, if they are regular and rapid, add up to a great distance traveled”. Their vision is a visual, performing, and literary arts incubator that provides facilities, materials, training, and business support to artists, and a performing arts center, gallery, and coffee shop to the community. Each step these friends take gets them closer to creating a space where anyone in New Mexico can find the artist within.

Contact us to follow our progress as we develop this dynamic, inspiring space.