SPARK Ignites!

Exciting things have been happening here at SPARK NM this week. We’ve registered as an Limited Liability Corporation with the State of New Mexico, received and Employment Identification Number from the Feds, and registered with the City of Albuquerque. It’s like we’re all grown up now, and all we need is a bank account to start doing business! The next order of business will be to apply for 501c3 status and begin defining which aspects of SPARK are funded by investors, and which are funded by donors and grants. Integrity and complete transparency are essential to us, so we’ll be helped by Bonnie Chavez and the gang over at Building Beloved Communities to make sure we’ve got it all straight.

If you are beginning this voyage with us as we establish the number one place to develop the practice and business of your art, you are doing it at just the right time. We intend this to be a collaborative effort of the art community in New Mexico and beyond. The City of Albuquerque is fostering a strong culture of supporting the arts in the Tipping Points for Creatives initiative. New Mexico is well-known for it’s ability to attract visual artists and writers, and now has a thriving performing arts community. Those wishing to take the leap and start their artistic careers, or hoping to grow their established careers thrive when they have access to resources and community mentorship.

So join us as we take the next steps. “Small steps, if they are regular and rapid, add up to a great distance traveled.” What step can you take? Share this post, like our page on Facebook or comment below. We want to hear from artists and art lovers in the community to make sure we’re taking into consideration your needs.